madrid montessori


method & training

music & arts

food & garden

the school

Parents choose Madrid Montessori because they share with us not only an educational philosophy but also a belief in the close interrelationship between family life and school life. As parents do, the school takes a long view of education, seeing it like other aspects of our children's development, as a multi-year process with its milestones and plateaus. In addition to academic skills we are offering our children the opportunity to develop many intangible capabilities, like resourcefulness and social conscience, which are qualities agreed by many to be essential to finding one's path in the rapidly changing social and professional landscapes of the 21st century.

The school was founded on the principle that open and fluid communication between families and the school is essential to help each child reach their potential. The administration and guides welcome parents into an ongoing dialogue on matters related to the school and their child’s education. The school also encourages parents who can, to share their time, energy and talents as volunteers. We have ongoing activities for parents interested in volunteering in the school:

  • Gardening with the children on the school grounds.
  • Baking birthday cakes each month to be shared in the classes.
  • Winter and Spring Fundraisers: parents plan, bake, make crafts, perform and more to make these events successful.
  • Helping with library organization and reading aloud with the children.
  • Chaperoning on field trips.
  • Newsletter contributions and production.
  • Participating in other School Committees: the Strategic Planning Committee, the Extracurricular Activities Committee, and the Health and Safety Committee.

Parents also can share their creative skills and talents with the children in one-time workshops or projects. We have had parent-led workshops in woodworking and ceramics, as well as a project to paint a mural in the patio space. Parents and grandparents have also been invited to talk with the children about a variety of subjects relating to the arts, sciences and cultural diversity.

faculty & staff